English Literature Study Guides Character of Bathsheba Everdene in Far From the Madding Crowd Doctor Faustus as a tragic hero. Consider Joseph Andrews as a comic- epic poem in prose. Discuss Shelley as a revolutionary poet. Themes and Symbols of The Bluest Eye. Discuss The Role of Women in Othello. Draw the image of the West Wind as a destroyer and preserver as you find in the poem ‘Ode to the West Wind’. Give a critique of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau Summary of A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen William Shakespeare | Analysis of Macbeth: Act I Hamlet by William Shakespeare | Hamlet full video What are the important theories of learning? Compare the theories with one another. Bacon’s prose style. John Donne as a poet of love. Symbols in Robert Frost’s poems. Give a brief note on When Lilacs Last at the Dooryard Bloome’d. «‹131415161718192021›»