English Literature Study Guides Discuss the major concerns of Romantic Movement or Romanticism. Why did the author not dismiss Bartleby when he replied, “I would prefer not to” a few days after his joining the author’s office? Character of Yank in The Hairy Ape. Give a character-sketch of Silas, the hired man of Warren and Mary Discuss the Roles of Witches in Macbeth Catharsis and the Functions of a Tragedy as Given in Poetics. Discuss the psychological conflict of the narrator in the essay Shooting an Elephant. Swift attack on man in part 4 on the basis of Gulliver’s Travels. What is Dramatic Irony? Examine Sophocles’ use of Dramatic Irony in King Oedipus. Discuss, Hamlet as a Revenge Tragedy. Behaviorist theory of language development. What do you understand by symbol? How far is Melville successful in his use of symbolism in the story Bartleby the Scrivener? Write a note on O’Neill’s tragic view of life as reflected in The Hairy Ape. William Shakespeare | Short Summary of Macbeth: Act II Parolles’ role in the play All’s Well That Ends Well Character of Clytemnestra in the play Agamemnon. ‹123456›»