Principles of Business Communication.

7cs of Business Communication.

Answer: There are 7 principles that are to be considered to make an effective business communication. These 7 principles are given below:


1. Principle of Clarity: The idea that the sender intends to send might be clear enough to be understood by the receiver. For clarity, the following guidelines can be followed:

  • Select short, familiar and easy words.
  • Use short and effective sentences.
  • Put an appropriate example, or visual aids as needed.

2. Principle of Completeness: The message of communication must be completed. Incomplete message can lead misunderstanding among parties. The sender of a message must be aware of 5Ws, that is-Who, What, Where, When and Why.

3. Principle of Conciseness: A message should be as short as is necessary to tell the story effectively. The under mentioned rules may be considered for conciseness:

  • Include only relevant facts.
  • Avoid repetition
  • Organize the message well

4. Principle of Courtesy: In business, we need to create friendliness with all those whom to communicate. Friendliness is inseparable from courtesy. The following principles may help to promote courtesy:

  • Answer the letter promptly
  • Apologize for any mistake
  • Thanks generously for a favor

5. Principle of Correctness: The fact of the message might be in correct language. Any mistake in the subject matter of communication can create confusion in the mind of receiver. For correctness, under mentioned facts should be considered:

  • Check your message.
  • Check accuracy of facts and words
  • Send your message at the correct time

6. Principle of Consideration: Consideration means preparing every message keeping the receiver in mind. That means give the receivers situations highest priority while communication. For this, under mentioned rules can be considered:

  • Use “You view point” instead of I or We.
  • Show reader benefit or interest
  • Emphasize on positive facts.

7. Principle of Concreteness: Concreteness means being specific, definite, and vivid rather than vague and general. For concreteness  the following guidelines can be followed:

  • Use specific facts and figure.
  • Select appropriate words.
  • Avoid irrelevant information.

From the above discussion we can say that to make communication effective, the 7cs play vital role.