strategic management

Market Prediction

What is investment strategy? Discuss the factors of choosing an investment strategy.

Answer: An investment strategy refers to the amount and types of resources– both human and financial–that must be invested to get a competitive advantage. In deciding on an investment strategy, a company must evaluate the potential returns from investing in a generic competitive strategy against the cost of developing the competitive strategy. In this way, […]

What is investment strategy? Discuss the factors of choosing an investment strategy. Read More »

Market Prediction

Analyze the Research and Development Strategies.

Answer: Of all the business functions, investment in research and development often introduces the most spectacular results. Examples include Xerox’s twenty-five of the domination of the photocopier market after the company’s initial development of the innovation. Strength: Matching of R& D strategy with R&D skill. Matching of R&D strategy with the strategy of product life

Analyze the Research and Development Strategies. Read More »

Market Prediction

What is generic strategy? Discuss the different types of generic strategies.

Answer: Generic strategy means one kind of competitive strategies that may take various firms within a given industry to cope their capabilities. Actually, it is a broad competitive strategy that a firm can take to gain competitive advantages. There are three types of generic strategy: Cost leadership. Differentiation Focus strategy 1. Cost leadership: Though cost

What is generic strategy? Discuss the different types of generic strategies. Read More »