The Faerie Queene

The Faerie Queene as a religious allegory.

The Faerie Queene is a religious allegory.

Answer: There is no matter of doubt that Spencer’s poem, The Faerie Queene, is replete with allegorical significance. Edmund Spenser stands among the greatest writers of the Elizabethan period whose valuable contributions fashioned a new tradition in English literature. Nowadays he is hailed to be one of the chief initiators of the Renaissance movement in English […]

The Faerie Queene is a religious allegory. Read More »

The Faerie Queene as a religious allegory.

Discuss The Faerie Queene as an allegory.

Answer: An allegory is a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms; figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another. It is a device in which characters or events represent or symbolize ideas and concepts. Allegory has been used widely throughout the history of art, and in all forms

Discuss The Faerie Queene as an allegory. Read More »