Twelfth Night as a Romantic Comedy

Twelfth Night

Twelfth Night as a boisterous comedy.

Answer: Twelfth Night is the most delightful Shakespearean comedy because it has an abundance of sweetness. Hazlitt even thought that the play is too good to be deemed as a comedy. Moreover, it has very little satire, and is more concerned with the ludicrous than the ridiculous. Shakespeare has already been very gentle while exposing […]

Twelfth Night as a boisterous comedy. Read More »

Twelfth Night

Twelfth Night as a romantic comedy.

Or. Consider Twelfth Night as a romantic comedy.Or. Twelfth Night is a typical romantic comedy of Shakespeare.” Discuss.Or. What aspects of Twelfth Night justify its being called a romantic play?Or. Critically comment on Twelfth Night as a romantic comedy.Or. Consider Twelfth Night as a romantic comedy.Or. Bring out the romantic elements in Twelfth Night. Answer:

Twelfth Night as a romantic comedy. Read More »