Shakespeare's Creation
26 April 1564 – 23 April 1616
All’s Well That Ends Well
Study Notes

As You Like It
Study Notes
1. Discuss ‘Macbeth as a tragic hero’.
Or. Macbeth is a tragedy of ambition, discuss.
2. Reconcile Macbeth’s prompt of killing Duncan, and his refusal to carry the bloody daggers back.
3. Why Does Macbeth Change His Mind About Killing King Duncan?
4. Discuss the Roles of Witches in Macbeth.
5. Discuss the Character of Malcolm in Macbeth.
6. Discuss the Character of Lady Macbeth.
7. Discuss the Character of Macbeth.
8. Discuss the Character of Banquo.
9. Discuss the theme of Macbeth.
10. Character of Witches in the play ‘Macbeth’.

Sonnet 65
Twelfth Night

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