Discuss about primary, secondary, tertiary, Achromatic, Analogous,
Clash, Contrast, Monochromatic, Complementary, Split Complementary,
Triadic, Tetradic and Natural Color Scheme.
Answer: Color scheme is an arrangement or combination of colors. In color theory, a color scheme is the choice of colors used in design. There are many types of color scheme, such as – Primary Color Scheme, Secondary Color Scheme, Tertiary Color Scheme, Achromatic Color Scheme, Analogous Color Scheme, Clash Color Scheme, Contrast Color Scheme, Monochromatic Color Scheme, Complementary Color Scheme, Split Complementary Color Scheme and Natural Color Scheme.
Primary color scheme:
Primary color scheme consists of the three primary colors (red, yellow, and blue) and their tints, shades, and tones. Primary colors are the source of other colors. Primary colors can be mixed together to produce secondary colors.
Secondary color scheme is the same as a primary scheme, but consists of the secondary colors: orange, green, and violet.
Tertiary color scheme is made up of tertiary colors. Tertiary colors are made of a primary color mixed with a secondary color that is next to it; for example, a color such as yellow-orange or blue-green.
Achromatic Color Scheme is a color that has no hue or saturation but only brightness, such as white, black, and various shades of gray.
Analogous Color Scheme: Analogous colors are colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel. Some examples are green, yellow green, and yellow or red, red violet and violet. Analogous color schemes are often found in nature and are pleasing to the eye. The combinations of these colors give a bright effect in the area, and are able to accommodate many changing moods. When using the analogous color scheme, one should make sure there is one hue as the main color.
Clash Color Scheme: Select one color, then use one color from either side of its complementary. This provides a clash color scheme that has an assertive aggressive effect.
Contrast Color Scheme: Two colors from different segments of the color wheel are contrasting colors. For example, red is from the warm half of the color wheel and blue is from the cool half. They are contrasting colors.
Complementary Color Scheme: Complementary colors are colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel, such as blue and orange, red and green, purple and yellow. Complementary color schemes have a more energetic feel. The high contrast between the colors creates a vibrant look, especially when used at full saturation. Complementary colors can be tricky to use in large doses.
Split Complementary Color Scheme:
A split complementary color scheme
includes a main color and the two colors on each side of its complementary (opposite) color on the color wheel.
These are the colors that are one hue and two equally spaced from its complement. To avoid fatigue and maintain high contrast, this color scheme should be used when giving Power Point presentations, or when using a computer for an extended period of time. Additionally, certain colors should not be mixed, like red and green. Colors that should be used are red/violet and yellow/green.
Monochromatic Color Scheme:
A monochromatic color scheme consists of different values (tints and shades) of one single color. These color schemes are easy to get right and can be very effective, soothing and authoritative. They do, however, lack the diversity of hues found in other color schemes and are less vibrant.
Triadic color schemes:
use three colors that are evenly spaced around the color wheel, for example purple, orange and green.
Using triadic color schemes means you usually end up with quite a bright and vibrant color scheme, though this can be toned down slightly by using varying shades and tints of the colors. Like with the previous color schemes, triadic colors schemes work best when letting one color have more of a focus, with the other two working as accent colors.
Tetradic color schemes:
work by pairing up two sets of complementary color schemes. It almost works by
almost creating a rectangle around the color wheel. An example of a tetradic color scheme is red, green, blue and orange.
What’s great about the tetradic color scheme is that it offers a lot of variety when it comes to choosing the colors that you use, and may offer you more ideas when you’re designing your website. Again, though, like with all of the other color schemes a tetradic color scheme works best by allowing one of the colors to be the focus, with the rest being used as accent colors.
Natural Color Scheme: A color scheme that includes only colors not found on the color wheel, called neutrals, such as beige, brown, gray, black.