William Shakespeare | Short Summary of Macbeth: Act II

Macbeth sees a “dagger of the mind” leading him towards Duncan’s chamber. (1.) Lady Macbeth has drugged the guards, noting that Duncan’s resemblance to her father has stayed her from doing the deed herself. After the murder, Macbeth carries the bloody daggers from the chamber causing Lady Macbeth to reprimand him for his great show of emotion.

After she returns the daggers and smears the guards with blood, she tells Macbeth, “a little water clears us of this deed.” (ii.) The porter attends the knocking at the gate, creating a comic relief scene of his imaginings. Macduff discovers the body, and Macbeth kills the guards, explaining the act as his overwrought response to their unjust offense. Duncan’s sons realize their danger and decide that Malcolm will go to England and Donalbain will go to Ireland. (iii.) Their flight makes them suspect, and Macbeth is crowned King of Scotland. (iv.)