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Scope of marketing.

Answer: Marketing is a dynamic business process. Due to change of time, the scope of marketing has been changed. Marketing scope are the related matters of marketing functions. There are ten scope of marketing. These are given below:

1. Goods: Goods is a set of tangible physical attributes assembled in an identification form to provide want satisfaction to customers. The total marketing programs are centered with goods.

2. Services: Service is any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Such as; service of doctor, lawyer etc.

3. Experience: Experiences are knowledge or skill which is obtained from doing, seeing or felling things. Such as; due to experience, Nike not only produce shoe, but also they are producing high quality sports elements.

4. Events: Events are occurrences designed to communicate particular messages to target audiences. Such as Close-Up One competition.

5. Persons: Persons marketing are consists or activities undertaken to create, maintain or change attitudes of behavior toward particular people. Various types of media person can act as a person marketing.

6. Places: Persons marketing are consists or activities undertaken to create, maintain or change attitudes of behavior toward particular place. Such as, Bangladesh tourist corporation, BISIC are planning role as a place marketing.

7. Organizations: Persons marketing are consists or activities undertaken to create, maintain or change attitudes of behavior toward particular organization. Dutch Bangla Bank provides 102 crore taka as scholarship for the students.

8. Properties: Properties are intangible rights of ownership of either real property (real state) or financial property (stocks and bonds). These proprieties are purchased and sold and its included in marketing.

9. Information: Information means facts and news. Various types of daily news paper and magazines are marketing their information.

10. Ideas: Ideas are concepts, philosophies, or images that can be exchanged in the marketplace. Such as; AIDS is a fatal diseases, Smoking is harmful for health etc.