Robert Browning

Robert Browning

Characteristics of Robert Browning’s poetry.

Answer: Robert Browning is better known as a major Victorian poet and, in particular, as one who perfected the influential verse form called dramatic monologue. His achievement in poetry, for which he forsook the theater altogether in 1846, was unquestionably much greater than what he accomplished as a writer of stage plays, yet it is […]

Characteristics of Robert Browning’s poetry. Read More »

Robert Browning

Robert Browning’s Use of Dramatic Monologue.

Answer: Robert Browning is often considered the master of the form of the dramatic monologue – if not the first to “inaugurate [the first] to perfect this poetic form…” (Lennartz 418) – Especially poems in which the speaker silences his auditor through intimidation. Browning’s speakers are often aggressive and threatening. They are normally in a

Robert Browning’s Use of Dramatic Monologue. Read More »

Robert Browning

Robert Browning as a Victorian poet.

Answer: Robert Browning is naturally considered a Victorian poet, considering that he wrote during the time period of Victorian England. And yet Browning’s work is simultaneously a revolt against some of the most well-defined aspects of that time, and a reflection of its characteristics. Victorian England, named after Queen Victoria who was crowned in 1837,

Robert Browning as a Victorian poet. Read More »